Flying on my own

Sherry Lambert Photography. My oh, my. I am becoming a real photographer and business woman! The past 4 years with Five Shooting Stars has been a wonderful experience. Now, we are all taking new paths and venturing out on our own. It's pretty exciting to trust that my wings can fly!

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

This lake is on east side of Tioga Pass, right before the entrance to Yosemite. I've never seen this much snow on the lake during the summer months. The clouds were amazing that day. I used HDR processing on this photo.

self portrait and portable studio equipment

This is a self-portrait. I use 580's, Pocket Wizards, and Bruce Dorn "magic slipper" soft box. I love having portable equipment to be able to set a a studio quality portrait session anywhere!
Snowy White Egret learning to fly. Look at his fluffy feathers on top of his head. So cute! I stayed at this nesting site for about 4 hours. The birds are amazing to watch. You'd know when the moms were about to fly in because the babies would squawk away like crazy. So fun!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Barbara and Sherry got to photograph a ballerina with her horse named Smokey. What a fun day we had!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

our logo

Here is our lovely logo. Five fantastic professional quality cameras, centered together as a star, ready to capture the memories of your next event!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Five Shooting Stars

Here we are!  Barbara, Kathryn, Liz, Sherry, and Mimi!  E-mail us at to book your next photo event.
The Cornerstone Santa event will be Saturday, December 6th and Sunday, December 7th.